Friday, December 2, 2011

Who Is Sara Bartmaan?

I remember first watching this clip in high school at the annual AISNE people of color conference. They featured this video in a workshop and we discussed where the image of the wanton black woman originally derived from. It was then when I learned the story of Sara Bartmaan. It's crazy how accurate the saying "history repeats itself" is...and in this case, herstory repeats itself. Bartmaan went to Europe for a lifestyle that hopefully promised better living conditions and fortune and instead she was objectified and eventually joined a circus because of her in their perspective...peculiar body. Eventually she became a prostitute and died 5 years post her arrival in Europe from disease.

This story sounds all too familiar. Historian says that Sara Bartmaan was the blueprint of a video girl and even St. Louis rapper, Nelly and creator of Apple Bottom jeans had some parallels in his campaign ( Read for more info:
Did you know about the Sara Bartmaan story? What are your thoughts and views?
Please comment and share!

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